Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Apa itu Henna Hitam (Black Henna)

What is "Black Henna" ? What is PPD ?

Henna is NOT black.  

If someone offers you something called "Black Henna", 
it is NOT henna.   
If someone has something that stains skin black, it is NOT henna.   
The black dye is probably para-phenylenediamine, also known as PPD, and that can 
hurt you. 

PPD, or para-phenylenediamine is a snythetic coal tar dye, and causes severe 
reactions in some people. Want to see pictures of how miserable this is? 

Sensitization to PPD is life-long and has ruined some people's health. 

The International Chemical Safety Card for PPD gives a clear indication of how 
dangerous it can be and how utterly inappropriate it is for skin application. 

If your "Black Henna" tattoo is starting to itch and blister GO TO A DOCTOR! NOW! 

How do you know if what you see is "PPD Black Henna"?

PPD paste is jet black. 
Ask how long it takes to stain and how long it lasts. 
If the answers are "just an hour or two" and "a week or more", it's PPD. 

Ask what colour it will give. If the answer is "pure black", it's PPD. 
Ask to see an ingredients list. If the artist can't supply one, or you don't like 
what you see, walk away.

PPD is not the only ingredient used to make black henna.  There are also other 
chemical dyes in use, but none of them stains as fast or as black, or lasts as 
long as PPD. 

Some of these dyes may be safe, some may not.  

Ask to see an ingredient list.  If you're not comfortable with what you see, don't use it.
Don't do a skin test with PPD "black henna".  
Your skin might not react to PPD the first time you use it. 

Since the reaction can take three weeks or more to show, or in some cases appears only after a second exposure, it is not safe to assume that a 24 hour skin test is going to tell you if you are sensitive.  

It will only make you more likely to develop a sensitivity. Just don't use it at 

The International Chemical Safety Card recommends the wearing of protective 
gloves and protective clothing when handling PPD and warns "Exposure may result 
in death". 

Do you really want to put this stuff on your skin? 

However, I was very pleased to see one success story. If you follow this link, do 
read through all the follow-ups. It will give you some idea of the depth of 
feeling there is about this subject.

Pure Henna is SAFE.  Pure henna has been in use for thousands of years.  It's one 
of the safest things you can put on your skin, and reactions are very unusual.

Henna ONLY stains a color in the range of orange, red, brown, cinnamon, brick, 
chocolate or coffee. 

If you've never used henna before, you may want to do a skin test to be sure 
you're not allergic.  The allergy is called a "napthoquinone sensitivity".  

If you put henna on your skin, and in 1 hour have itching, a tight chest, or 
wheezing, you have a napthoquinone sensitivity and you should not ever use henna. 

"Colored Henna": 

Henna is NEVER blue, yellow, green, purple or black.  If a product stains skin 
those colors, it is NOT henna.  

Those stains come from other dyes.  
Ask what dyes those are.  If the supplier can't or won't tell you what dyes those are, and 
prove it, or you don't like the sound of what they tell you, don't put the stuff 
on your skin.  
Smell the product.  If it smells scary, don't put it on your skin. 

Essential Oils: 

Artists often add essential oils such as Tea Tree, Eucalyptus,  Cajeput and 
others to henna paste to "terp" them, and make the stain quicker and darker. 

If these are from aromatherapy grade essential oils containing monoterpene alcohols, 
this is a safe and effective way to make henna very dark. Many of these give 
wonderful results, are fragrant and harmless.  

Some may cause minor skin irritation.  

for complete details on safe 

and effective use of essential oils that have high levels of monoterpene alcohols. 

Gasoline, Kerosene, Lighter Fluid: 

Some henna artists in India, Africa and Arabia use acetone, lighter fluid,  
turpentine, gasoline and dry cleaning fluid in their henna mixes to get near 
black stains.  This is DANGEROUS!  If you smell these solvents in henna paste, do 
not put it on your skin.  If it's already on your skin, wash it off as quickly as 
you can. 


Some Indian henna artists use camphor, or white flower oil (which includes 
camphor) in their henna to make very dark stains.  Camphor may make both the 
artist and client nauseous, dizzy, intoxicated or very ill.  Do not put camphor 
or products that include camphor in henna paste. 

Citrus Oils: 

Citrus oils can darken henna, but they can also leave itchy welts on the skin, or 
increase sun sensitivity. If henna paste smells like lemon peel or citronella, it 
may make you itchy.

Walnut powder: 

Some people include walnut powder in their henna mix to help darken the stain. 
Many people are allergic to walnut and this may cause a rash on their skin.  If 
they are very sensitive, there is a risk of inducing anaphalactic shock!. Always 
ask clients if they have a nut allergy before applying walnut powder paste to 
their skin. Or play safe and leave it out of the mix.

Black Kattam: 

This is not henna. However, it is dark brown dye which contains ingredients that 
may cause skin irritation.

Black Rocks from the Nile and "Henna Stone": 

Someone, somewhere, in the supply chain in the Middle East is selling a solid 
form of industrial grade PPD and is lying about what it is.  
There is no such thing as a black rock that will make henna black.  

There is no such thing as a "henna stone".  These are lies told to gullible people by someone who wants to make a huge profit on PPD.  If it's black, stains quickly and stays black for more than 4-5 days, its PPD, and it can hurt you!

Source :


What does a PPD "Black Henna" injury look like?

Thousands of people are injured every year by street artists making temporary tattoos with PPD-based black hair dye and calling it "Black Henna".  

These are just a few of the pictures I've received from people who have been injured. The scars last a long time, and there may be permanent  hypo pigmentation (an area which will always be white and never suntan). 

Typically, the blistering and itching starts between 3 and 13 days after the  para-phenylenediamine black hair dye "Black Henna" is applied.  

The blistering is precisely in the area of the original design.  Sometime there will be full body sloughing off of skin, blistering, itching.  

Infections can enter the raw blistering area and cause further problems and scarring. 

These pictures show typical progession of itching, blistering, open sores, scabbing and weals. 

This first series shows the day by day progression of blistering, itching, and wheals.

These dolphins also show the progression of blistering and weals. 

Blisters rising in the area where PPD "Black Henna" was applied, leaving large open wounds. 

Itchy blisters often get infected and scab over, making scarring more likely. 

Intensely itchy weals follow the initial blistering phase. 

The weals last for months before subsiding to a red scar.

The scars last a long time.

Some people have a full body reaction which may include sloughing off of skin, blistering, and loss of body hair. 

Read Medical articles to understand why these injuries occur only with para-phenylenediamine and NOT HENNA.

Source :

Rabu, 16 September 2015

Beda Henna Natural dan Henna Instant

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Beda Henna Natural dan Henna Instant

Sebetulnya henna natural/fresh tidak ada warna hitam/maroon atau warna-warni,
henna natural/fresh paling gelap warnanya reddish brown (coklat kemerahan).

Henna ada 2 jenis yaitu :
Henna natural/fresh (terbuat dr henna powder natural)
Henna instant 
(terbuat dr pewarna kimia, bukan henna powder)

Sebelum pemakaian henna natural/fresh maupun henna instant,
lakukan test kulit dulu,
caranya pakaikan segaris halus di kulit atau di belakang telinga,
tunggu beberapa waktu sampai kering/rontok.

Bisa lanjutkan pemakaian jika tidak terjadi reaksi alergi/iritasi
spt gatal-gatal, terasa panas, kulit jd merah.

Jika terjadi reaksi diatas, segera cuci bersih dan hentikan

Sebaiknya usahakan pake henna natural fresh,
karena relatif lebih aman dan memang bahannya henna powder asli, 
bukan pewarna buatan spt henna instant.

Henna Natural/FreshHenna Instant
BentukBisa dlm bentuk bubuk, yg hrs di racik dulu ,
bisa juga dlm bentuk henna paste dlm cone siap pakai.
Berbentuk spt gel dlm cone/tube siap pakai.
Bahan pembuatHenna powder natural/herbal, oil henna.Terbuat dr campuran bahan kimia spt gel, Bukan dibuat dr henna powder natural/herbal, 
komposisi henna naturalnya dikit aja bahkan mungkin sama sekali gak ada, 
kemudian di campur pewarna kimia.

Lebih tepat disebut bahan utk body painting.
Warna setelah henna dirontokkan/dilepasSetelah Mehndi/Henna dirontokkan/dilepas, akan tinggal warna orange-kuning di kulit, warna ini akan berubah semakin gelap (ber oksidasi ) menjadi reddish-brown (coklat kemerahan) dalam waktu 48 jam. 

Warna akhir akan tergantung pada sifat kimia di kulit/tubuh pemakai, 
beda orang bisa beda level warnanya,
beda merk beda kulit, beda hasilnya.

Warna lebih gelap didapat jika dipasang di tangan dan kaki krn kulit tebal,
sedang kalau di punggung tangan/punggung kaki atau lengan, atau bagian tubuh lainnya dimana kulit lebih tipis , warna akan lebih muda.
Setelah Mehndi/Henna dilepas, warna akan langsung terlihat dan tidak akan mengalami perubahan lagi.
BauSeperti bau jamu atau tumbuhan.Seperti bau bahan kimia.
Proses hilang dr kulitProses hilangnya akan memudar,
walopun ada beberapa kasus yg jg mengelupas,krn ketebalan pastenya, 
tp tetap saja bagian bawah yg mewarnai sel-sel kulit lama-lama akan memudar dan hilang.
Proses hilangnya akan mengelupas spt terkelupasnya cat.

Ketahanan di kulitKetahanan 3-7 hr tergantung jenis kulit.Ketahanan 2-4 hr.
WarnaWarna rata-rata reddish brown,
beda orang bisa beda level warnanya,
beda merk beda kulit, beda hasilnya.
Warna ada hitam, maroon, warna-warni.
Sah kah Wudhu / Shalat

(lihat Note dibawah)
Insya Allah sah, krn bahannya dari henna powder natural.

Ada keraguan, apakah henna instant sah utk wudhu/shalat, krn mengelupas spt cat saat akan hilang dr kulit, jd khawatir air wudhu tidak menembus pori (Wallahu a'lam bissawab).
Contoh Merkafrin, simran, kaveri, asha savla, veeru special, sirvi,satrang, singh, saajan dllrani, arzoo, beauty, golecha maroon/black/colour, diamond, nasreen dll

History of Mehendi / Henna

Mehndi is prepared by the leaves of plant called henna or Lawsonia Inermis. The Henna word came from the Arabic name for lawsonia inermis which is pronounced as hinna. The exact origin of mehndi is difficult to place but it has been nearly 5000 years old. Some historians think that mughals brought mehndi to India but other thinks that the origin of mehndi is India. Some other thinks that the origin of mehndi is Middle East or North Africa.

ID ---- Mehndi diracik dari daun tanaman yang disebut Henna or Lawsonia Inermis. Kata Henna berasal dari bahasa Arab untuk tanaman Lawsonia Inermis yang diucapkan sebagai Hinna. Asal tepat dari mehndi sulit dikatakan karena seni ini telah berusia hampir 5000 tahun. Beberapa sejarawan mengatakan bahwa bangsa Mogul lah yg membawa mehndi ke India tetapi sejarawan lain mengatakan bahwa asal mula mehndi adalah India, sedang yg lain mengatakan bahwa asal mula mehndi adalah Timur Tengah atau Afrika Utara.

The plant of henna which is 4 to 6 feet tall can b found in countries like Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Uganda, morocco, Senegal, Tanzania, Kenya, Iran and Palestine. The henna plant grows well in hot climate. The leaves of henna crushed into fine powder and then water is added in it. Other natural component can also be added to increase the color.

ID ---- Tumbuhan henna bisa mencapai ketinggian 4 sampai 6 kaki dan dapat ditemukan di negara-negara seperti Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Mesir, Suriah, Yaman, Uganda, Maroko, Senegal, Tanzania, Kenya, Iran dan Palestina. Henna tumbuh baik di iklim panas. Daun henna ditumbuk menjadi bubuk halus dan kemudian air ditambahkan di dalamnya. Komponen alam lain juga dapat ditambahkan untuk menambah warna.

It is applied on the body parts creating intricate patterns and designs.
Mehndi is also known for its healing and therapeutic effects. Since time immemorial, Mehndi is being applied by women in their hair to enhance its quality and lustre. It acts as a great hair conditioner and is also considered good for the scalp.

ID ---- Henna bisa di pakai pada bagian tubuh dengan membuat pola dan desain yg indah.
Henna juga dikenal khasiatnya untuk penyembuhan dan terapi. Sejak jaman dahulu, henna dipakai utk menyehatkan rambut agar makin mengkilap, berfungsi sebagai kondisioner rambut dan baik untuk kulit kepala.

In India, mehndi is a form of beautification much like makeup or jewelry. While it can be worn routinely, it plays an important role in special occasions, such as weddings. Two days prior to the wedding date, the bride commonly attends a mehndi party thrown by friends. The bride’s hands are decorated from fingertips to elbows, and her feet are also decorated to the knees. Traditionally, the groom’s name is hidden somewhere within the mehndi body art, and he must find it before the wedding can take place. In some cases, the groom is also decorated with mehndi body art.

ID ----Di India, mehndi merupakan salah satu cara mempercantik diri selain memakai make up atau perhiasan. Bisa dipakai sehari-hari, atau memegang peran penting dalam acara khusus seperti pernikahan.
2 hari sebelum pernikahan dilangsungkan, mempelai perempuan akan menghadiri pesta mehndi yg diselenggarakan keluarga dan teman.
Tangan mempelai perempuan akan di hias mehndi dari ujung jari sampai siku, dan di kaki dari ujung kaki sampai lutut.
Nama mempelai laki-laki akan di tuliskan secara tersembunyi di sela-sela mehndi yg di pasang.
Pada saat sebelum pernikahan dimulai diadakan permainan dimana mempelai laki-laki harus menemukan lebih dahulu dimana tulisan namanya disembunyikan.
Kadang mempelai laki-laki pun dihiasi dengan mehndi.

Historically, the application of henna is thought to ward off evil and bring the wearer good luck. As a result, henna is often applied before childbirth and marriage.

ID----Dalam sejarah pemakaian henna digunakan utk menangkal kejahatan dan membawa nasib baik bagi pemakainya. Karenanya henna biasa dipakai sebelum melahirkan dan sebelum pernikahan.

Nama lokal :
pacar kuku (Sunda), pacar kuku (Jawa), pacar kuku (Madura) , ineng (Sumatera), gaca (Sumatera) , ngatu (Kalimantan) , kayu laka (Menado) , tilangge kuku (Gorontalo) , paci (Bugis) , daun laka (Maluku) , bunga jai (Halmahera) , pacah (Bali), pacah (Nusa Tenggara). 

Lawsonia Inermis  Tumbuhan henna

Lawsonia Inermis  Tumbuhan henna

Henna Powder  Henna Bubuk - daun henna yg dikeringkan dan dibuat menjadi bubuk 

Henna Paste - henna bubuk yg telah diracik menjadi paste

Henna Cone - henna paste dimasukkan ke dalam cone , siap dipakai

Pemasangan henna - isi henna paste dlm cone atau aplicator di tekan dgn lembut (dilukiskan) ke tangan/ kaki utk membuat pola yg diinginkan.

 -------- Proses Oksidasi Warna Henna  --------

Setelah Mehndi/Henna natural/fresh  dilepas, akan tinggal warna orange-kuning di kulit, warna ini akan berubah semakin gelap (ber oksidasi ) menjadi reddish-brown (coklat kemerahan) dalam waktu 12-48 jam.

Henna paste saat dipasang. 

Setelah henna paste kering, ia akan rontok dan meninggalkan warna dikulit, gambar diatas adalah henna sesaat setelah di lepas. 
Masih akan beroksidasi menghasilkan warna yg lebih gelap.

Warna henna setelah lebih dari 12 jam.

 -------- Contoh Desain Henna --------

Simple henna desain.

Bridal henna desain biasa dipasang di tangan pengantin wanita utk acara pernikahan 
atau pertunangan.